Vapers in New Jersey Protest Against New Law

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Dozens of vapers in New Jersey, USA, gathered in front of the State House in Trenton on Monday. They were there to protest against the implementation a new law banning the sale of flavoured e-liquid.

Vapers in New Jersey Protest Against Ban on Flavoured e-liquid

If the new law is approved Vapers in New Jersey will be reduced to a choice of just three flavours: tobacco, menthol, or clove.

The choice of flavours is one of the things that makes vaping so pleasurable for many vaping enthusiasts and, up until now, Vapers in New Jersey have been spoiled for choice. If it’s implemented the new law could put an end to that, and forcing people to vape e-liquids that are so similar to tobacco products could be seen as a step in the wrong direction.

Protestor Sheryl Agro sells vaping products from her store in Wrightstown. Sheryl is also an avid vaping enthusiast. She used a strawberry cheesecake flavoured liquid to end her 24-year smoking habit.

“Nobody quits smoking with tobacco flavours predominately,” Sheryl pointed out. “When they want to quit they want to stay as far away from tobacco flavours as possible.”

The politicians backing the ban of flavoured e-liquids in New Jersey say it will make vaping less attractive to children.

Gregory Conley from the American Vaping Association does not think this is a valid argument.

“Everyone who wants to prohibit something to adults relies on the children to say why the law should be enacted,” Mr Conley said. “But the biggest people who will be hurt by this are small business owners as well as consumers across the state of New Jersey.”

Many of the store owners present at the protest said the new law could put them out of business.

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