Leonardo DiCaprio: A True Vape Lover!

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Leonardo DiCaprio loves to vape. Most people know it and, according to recent Hollywood Gossip, the star loves his juice so much he even vapes during sex.

Up until 2012, Leonardo DiCaprio had a big problem with smoking and was unable to beat his addiction. Vaping has made that possible for him and there does not appear to be any signs of him reverting to tobacco products. He’s a vaper now and there is no going back.

Despite the fact that he would appear to be a selfish lover, who apparently never shares a hit of his juice, vaping has done good things for DiCaprio and many people that knew him during his pre-vaping days say his health has improved a lot since he made the switch to vape.

These days the Titanic star is seldom seen without a vaporiser in his hand. Last year when he attended amfAR’s Cinema Against Aids Gala his vaporiser was in hand and he had his vape and was loving it at the SAG awards, earlier this year, as well.

Leonardo DiCaprio: A True Vape Lover!

So what is Leonardo DiCaprio vaping these days? Nobody appears to know, but in a few short years he has become one of vaping’s greatest ambassadors and his vape loving actions, though undeniably selfish, do not appear to prevent him from scoring a date. So although he is unlikely to go down as well as the titanic he does not have to worry about sleeping alone.

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