An Introduction to Vaping 

So you’re thinking of buying a vaporizer and vaping for the first time. But you are not sure you know enough to decide if  vaping right for you. If that sounds familiar, read on.

Vaping: What it is and How it Works

Vaping is a safer and more socially acceptable alternative to smoking tobacco products.

When people smoke tobacco products they are inhaling smoke. That’s why it is called smoking. It’s also why it is so damaging to the health. People who vape are inhaling a flavoured water vapour that may or may not be nicotine-free (depending on the user’s personal preference). The water vapour is generated in a rechargeable vaporizer that is often somewhat pen-like in shape.

A Brief History of Vaping

No introduction to vaping would be complete without a brief history lesson and if you thought vaping was new think again. The practice can be traced back to 1963, when an American named Herbert A. Gilbert created and patented the world’s first smokeless non-tobacco cigarette. It had flavoured steam instead of nicotine, but never became commercially successful.

Some time later, in 2001, a Chinese pharmacist and inventor  called Hon Lik created a similar device that did provide nicotine. He perfected his original e-cigarette design and registered a patent two years later.

The Benefits of Vaping

  • People who vape do not have worry about getting bad breath, smelly fingers, or stained teeth.
  • Vaping is less likely to cause cancer and other “smoking-related” diseases.
  • Vaping is cheaper than smoking normal cigarettes.
  • There is no ash to drop on the carpet of leave stinking in an ashtray.
  • You cannot burn anything or anyone.
  • Vaping can help you to quit smoking (especially when using a nicotine-free liquid)

The Disadvantages of Vaping

So far this introduction to vaping has only mentioned the good points about vaping. Like anything, though, vaping is not perfect. There can be a few drawbacks.

  • Vaping nicotine can be addictive
  • Vaping nicotine is much safer than smoking tobacco, but it can still entail health risks.
  • Vaping is not allowed in many public places, including bars, restaurants, and train stations.

Anyone who is considering buying a cheap vaporizer and charger that has not been produced by a reputable should think twice. Low-quality items have been known to explode. Vaping costs less than smoking tobacco and it can provide long-term savings. This means buying low quality or counterfeit products is unnecessary, especially bearing in mind the fact that reputable suppliers can provide a high-quality starter kit (including e-liquid) for less than £20. Such kits provide a practical introduction to vaping for the price that is similar to that paid for a few packets of cigarettes.

The Future of Vaping

Although vaping is infinitely safer than smoking, health authorities in America are already  imposing restrictions that may make it hard for some vaporizer manufacturers and users. This has caused some people to believe vaping faces an uncertain future. However, tobacco has been around for a long time. Everyone knows smoking it causes cancer, heart attacks, and other serious health problems but it has never been banned. Vaping is unlikely to be banned either because it is widely recognized to be a safer alternative.

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